Submit Article - Current Issue: 2024, vol. 4, 1

ISSN 3071-7361 

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2024, Volume 4, Issue 1

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World Journal of Medical Innovations (WJMI), ISSN 3071-7361, is an open-access peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of Medicine and its subspecialties with a special interest towards the innovative medical science, research, technology and hypothesis.

WJMI is issued on a continuous basis as a electronic journal. Journal is issued in English language on a continuous basis as Open Access electronic journal.


The future of prostate cancer fusion biopsy: enhancing efficiency with artificial intelligence

Mytsyk Yulian, Dutka Ihor, Shulyak Alexander, Matskevych Viktoriya 

WJMI 2024; 4(1):33-41

Published online: 2024.10.13



Physical rehabilitation of patients following acute myocardial infarction after stenting

Makar Oksana, Piasetsky Pavlo, Bilianskyi Oleg, Siabrenko Gennadii, Shatynska-Mytsyk Iryna, Harbar Myroslava

WJMI 2024; 4(1):17-21

Published online: 2024.05.21


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